Thursday, October 24, 2019

Look Hooo's Two!

I was SO excited for Rhett's 2nd birthday! He is quite obsessed with Owls and his favorite book is a book called This is Owl (if you don't own it and you have a 1-4 year old, you need to get it)! My mother-in-law showed me the cutest pictures of these cupcakes she found on pinterest and from then on, the theme just fell into place!

Is he not the CUTEST thing you've ever seen!! Goodness, his smile just melts me!

The cutest cupcakes!! Totally worth it!

Veggie tray

fruit tray

Fun owl facts!

I also know that watching another kid open presents is not that fun, so I got a craft ready for any kiddo that wanted to do that instead of watch Rhett open a bunch of gifts!

I'd say he's loved!

New toys for days!

Fun with friends!

Thank you to all of our friends and family that came and helped make sweet Rhett feel so loved!

I have to add that there were a few things that went into the planning and prepping of the party! First up, the boys got to make fall themed pictures! You gotta love our Magic Painting Books!!

And these boys were the BIGGEST help in getting our house clean and ready for lots of guests! Seriously, look at these boys scrubbing our bathroom!

After the party the boys had a great nap and then we headed to the Oxley Nature Center to have some fun family time!
I can't get over his cuteness! 

I sure do love these people! 

Cutest brothers around!

We got to see so many lots of pretty wildlife. They must be pretty used to people walking around because they didn't mind us getting close. 


And then we went to Mother Road Market for some dinner! 
Such a perfect day! Again, thank you to everyone who took the time to come to the party! We loved seeing you and catching up with you and celebrating our little one being 2!