Saturday, February 24, 2018

February Date Nights

For those of you just joining, Trevor and I decided back in July of 2016 that we wanted to implement a weekly date night. That is when our first son was born and we wanted to make sure to prioritize our marriage even with the addition of a new family member. It has been the BEST decision for our family. Now we have two little boys and life can get a little chaotic, so this is a way for us to be very intentional one night a week. Most of the time they are small inexpensive dates after the boys go to sleep. Sometimes we include the boys and other times we find a sitter for a short period of time. 

Here goes February...

Week 1: February 1st we had an event to go to with some people from Trevor's work. The event was really close to my parents house, so the boys hung out with them while we enjoyed a nice evening.

Week 2: February 8th we watched Gone With the Wind. Our second son is named Rhett and every time I tell someone his name they bring up the movie Gone With the Wind because there is a character named Rhett Butler in that movie. Neither Trevor nor I had seen this movie, so it was kind of humorous that so many people  made this comment to us. So, we thought we should watch it. It is a 4 hour...I repeat...4 hour long movie! So we watched half on Thursday night and half on Friday night. It was an interesting movie; one that I think I will only need to watch once in my lifetime. Ha! 

Week 3: February 15th we made a trip to Rocket Fizz in downtown BA. We had not been there before, so we loaded up the boys and everyone got to pick out a little treat. We then walked around downtown BA for a little bit since the weather was nice.

Week 4: February 22nd we actually moved to February 23rd. We had made plans to go to dinner with some friends. So we had a triple date! Again, my parents house was close to the restaurant we chose, so they helped us out and hung out wit the boys while we had a great time with some fun people!

Dat night is seriously something I look forward to every week. It's intentional alone time with your spouse, which is something that every marriage needs.

Happy dating!

Friday, February 16, 2018

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day definitely looks a little different these days, but we still made it special. Trevor actually hates fake holidays, but he appeases me by doing a little something. ;)

To start things off, I always read the verse of the day on the bible app and I love that this was the verse...
Valentine's Day might be a "fake" holiday, but I'm never going to pass up an opportunity to tell those around me that I love them. So, why not have a holiday dedicated to love.

Earlier in the week I did a little craft with the boys because I wanted to give their grandparents a little something from them for Valentine's Day.

They are the CUTEST!!

On Valentine's Day, me and the boys spent almost the whole day outside. It was absolutely beautiful that day!

When Trevor got home, he surprised me and brought home Sushi for dinner! I told him I was in charge of dessert, I bought us some chocolate covered strawberries, so Trevor was in charge of dinner plans. He knows me too well.

A Valentine's Day would not be complete without a photo with Winnie. He was my Valentine's Day gift back in 2009. The best gift from the best guy. This was before we were even engaged, so it was a big thing for Trevor to get me such an elaborate gift that was essentially "ours."

After we got the boys down we hung out and watched the Olympics. It was a perfect Valentine's Day in my book because it was quality time with the people I love. ;)

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Morris Brothers 19 & 4

This is all about my boys at 19 and 4 months. This month went so quickly. I don't know where time goes. Days pass slowly but weeks pass quickly, how can that be?

Brooks turned 19 months on the 1st.
Rhett turns 4 months on the 9th. 
Oh my goodness, he looks like such a big kid, I can't take it!
Big Brother Brooks can get him laughing so hard!

Here is what Brooks is up to:
*We still have 7 teeth! HA! He has 3 that are just about to break through any day now. (I know I said that last month, but I really think it will happen this month!)
*Brooks LOVES dancing. This has just come about in the last few months, but he is a dancing machine. He got this guitar for Christmas and it is so fun watching him dance to all the different songs that are built in.
*He is getting better and better at numbers 1-10 and the alphabet. He will not say the number "one" though. I say "one" and he says "two." I have tried 1000 times to get him to say "one" and it's not happening. 
*He also refuses to say the word "truck." He repeats EVERYTHING, but if I say "truck," he says "car."
*He loved the zoo. He wasn't so interested the 1st time we went, but we went a couple weeks ago and it was a hit!

Here is what Rhett is up to:
Not much has changed this month.
*He loves to sit up so he can see around.
*He laughs at Brooks all the time. It is so cute!
*His naps are about 40-50 minutes long.
*He is an all star sleeper at night sleeping between 11 and 12 hours at night. 
*He was breaking out of his swaddle consistently at night, so we moved him to the Merlin Magic Sleepsuit. The first night was terrible. After hearing him cry for 45 minutes, we switched him back to a swaddle. I tried the sleep suit a couple weeks later and he LOVED it. We have been in that for about a week now and it's going great. I seriously LOVE this sleep suit. It has worked so well for both boys. 
*We are doing things backwards over here. We have rolled from our back to our tummy. But, we have not rolled from our tummy to our back. I’m not sure why he’s rolling to his tummy because he hates tummy time!

Here is our life in pictures...
Here was the first night in the sleep suit that didn't go so well. Haha!
Fun Comparison...Brooks is in the top picture and Rhett is the bottom. They look a lot alike here!

January was a tough month. All of us were sick at one time. Brooks started out with a cough and it eventually turned into a runny nose, cough and fever (along with being pitiful!). Trevor got it shortly after Brooks and then I had it for like a day. Thankfully I got over it really quickly and really only had a runny nose. I thought Rhett escaped the illness, but right when everyone else got better, Rhett got it.

I felt terrible for Brooks. He just wanted to cuddle on the couch, watch TV (which NEVER holds his attention), and he had no appetite. You could tell he was miserable. :( I didn't mind the cuddles. Overall, it was an okay week. We stayed home most of the week so we wouldn't spread germs, but it was pretty relaxing overall. However, once Brooks was better and Rhett got sick, then it got hard. Rhett just wanted to be held (who doesn't when they are sick) but Brooks was in play mode. It was really the first time Brooks was frustrated that I couldn't play with him. It was probably the hardest week yet with both boys. But thankfully, that week passed and we are all healthy and back to normal.

Showing off his new kicks!
Such a big guy in his bumbo seat.
During the week when Brooks was sick, the only thing I could get him to eat was a smoothie. Tropical Smoothie Cafe was our life saver that week :)
Some days you have to wear snow boots with your pajamas.
Some fun before bedtime.
He has started taking all of his pants out of his drawer. He thinks it's hilarious...probably because of my reaction.
I love this little dude so much!
Whiskey enjoying the teepee. One night we didn't know he was in there when we put Brooks to bed. He was in there for a couple hours while Brooks was asleep. Somehow we got Whiskey out without waking Brooks up. 


They are the cutest!
Bucket head!

One of my favorite times of the day

Brooks now can say "GOOOO POKES!"

At one point this month I had a black eye...I wonder how that happened...


Trying to put shoes on Rhett


We make daily trips to the mailbox when it's not too's about a half of a mile walk. Brooks walks and bosses the dogs around and Rhett can't seem to stay awake. 
We hung out in the sandbox as much as possible when the weather would permit. 

angel baby

Goodness, I love this silly boy!

These pictures crack me up...

The weather was nice so we walked up to Brooks's tree swing so he could play a was fitting because this picture popped up on my time hop that day too.

We had a play date with Great Grandma and miss Katherine and it wore Rhett out.


Brooks had so much fun! It looks like I need to get a membership so we can go often! He loved going on the train ride!

Brooks put his rain boots on Whiskey. He was so proud of himself! HA!

These next few photos might be some of my favorites of Rhett. His bright blue eyes stand out so much. Goodness, I love him!

Trevor and I were cracking up. We put Brooks down for a nap and he attempted to take his shirt off. You can see the sleeves are still on his arms. He somehow got the front of his shirt behind his head and stuck there! haha!

He also tried pulling down his pants!!!

We had cousin Jude joining us during the day for the week. We had a great time hanging out and adding another boy to the mix.

It was definitely a tough start to the month, but I am so thankful for health and happiness in our home now. I love these sweet boys so much and am so thankful to get to stay home with them and be a play-at-home mom. It's the best job ever!!