Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Rhett Turned 22 Months on August 9th!

My child is accident prone and it's not so easy on this mama's heart! 

The boys and I were having lunch together and Rhett was sitting on a barstool like normal. He started to hate his high chair and wanted to sit like a big boy just like brother. So, we had been letting him do that. I went to grab some wipes and when I turned around the barstool was in mid fall and I couldn't get there in time. When it fell over the first thing to hit was Rhett's head on the sharpest part of our trim! He was vomiting a little and blood was coming out of his mouth so I was definitely freaking out! He cried constantly for about an hour and a half. Nothing I did calmed him down and that is totally NOT like Rhett! He is tough and usually gets over most things quickly, but this felt different. Trevor rushed home so he could take us all to the ER. Rhett actually had another bruise on forehead from earlier that day, so that was fun explaining to the nurse and doctor about the TWO injuries on his head and then having to explain that we have been here twice before for head injuries!! The doctor ended up doing a CT scan because the indention was pretty large on the back of his head. Thankfully, everything came back fine and little man recovered perfectly! Man, this kid keeps me on my toes! Brooks has never been to the ER and Rhett has now gone 3 times!!! Brooks is my cautious kid which is more like my personality and Rhett totally has Trevor's personality in this regard. 

I love seeing them play together! 

This boy got a bike for his birthday and I LOVED watching him master pedaling and really take off!!


This little boy LOVES to eat! If I even walk in the kitchen he is at my feet trying to get some food! I started putting him in his high chair with a book when I would go and make breakfast or lunch and it has worked PERFECTLY!! It's so much more peaceful now! Haha! 

In the mornings at breakfast this month we have been working on our COLORS!!! I love that this book introduces so many more colors than just blue, green, red. It talks about denim, turquoise, sage, peach, burgundy, etc! 

We were on vacation most of this month so I don't have that many pictures to share, but here are a few of my favorites of Rhett on vacation!

beach hair, don't care!

They let him ride his first big boy ride!!

This NEVER happens anymore! Little man was SO tired he actually fell asleep on his trike! Haha! My sister-in-law noticed just in time and then he slept on Trevor most of lunch! I honestly embrace these moments when they happen because they are so rare!

Snacks are life! Haha! 

After vacation it was back to the daily grind! Haha! These two love helping me make breakfast or bake just about anything!

For those of you that don't know, Build a Bear offers a Birthday Bear and you only pay the price of your child during their birthday month!

Meet Oski!

So I have to explain this next picture...I HATE BUGS! No matter the bug, if I can I will kill it! I think I have passed my fear on to my kids! HA! Rhett was totally fine and then he saw that grasshopper on the glass and FREAKED OUT!! I saw his happy go lucky face turn to shear panic in a matter of seconds! Poor guy!

Every day this kid wakes up from his nap way earlier than brother. I think he does it intentionally to get some one-on-one time with mama! I'll take it! We love to get 20 books down from the bookshelf, spread them all out and rarely finish one! Haha! That's okay! It's our special time and I wouldn't change it.

Brooks and I went on a date together last week! I dropped Rhett off with my parents and me and Brooks headed to the movies! We saw Toy Story 4 and he did amazing!! There were a couple times he got a little antsy (after his popcorn ran out, ha) that I asked if he wanted to leave but he told me he wanted to finish the movie. So we stayed until the end and he had a blast! He tells me about everyday that he LOVED the movies and the popcorn and the candy and he wants to go back!

These two make good work-out partners...sometimes! 


He's like a walking cheeto commercial! 

Morning baking lesson!
Overall, July was rough! HA! We had two WONDERFUL vacations, but the in-between time was tough. I was sick the two weeks between Branson and Michigan, I was also swamped with work, Rhett had his terrible fall which made me not sleep so well for a few nights because I wanted to check on him, etc. So I was happy to welcome August! And now August is half over! The boys are at such a fun age right now...sometimes challenging, but they are actually playing nicely together and we have some really sweet moments daily! We also have some crazy tantrums and LOTS of talks about sharing! HA! I can't believe my littlest is almost 2! Oh and I finally got those pictures that I've been so behind on!

Friday, August 9, 2019

Always the Most Relaxing Vacation!

Does anyone else just love relaxing on vacation?

Sometimes I enjoy sightseeing and all the fun things that come with going to a new place, but most of the time I like the familiar! It's so much more relaxing and I feel refreshed at the end instead of needing a vacation after my vacation. That is totally what Michigan is to me! We've been going since I was born, so there is nothing really new to see or do, just walk to the beach, relax and eat my FAVORITE ice cream ever! 

The boys did SO GOOD in the car! Like, WAYYYYY better than I ever anticipated! We drove through the night on the way there, so they slept most of the way, but even when they were awake, they didn't have any meltdowns or really even ask to get out of the car! We made sure to have sticker books, wipe-clean books, new books and all the fun things to do while in their carseats! 

We discovered very quickly that Rhett likes being the baby! Haha! He was not a fan of Brynlee right from the start! He would cry alligator tears if she just looked at him funny! Haha! In this picture she did take his favorite stuffed animal and he was NOT willing to share!
They slowly warmed up to each other by the end of the week...or Rhett warmed up to Brynlee because Brynlee never had a problem with Rhett...but I think Rhett was ready to be the baby again by the end of the week.

I'm so proud of this kid! He got a bike for his birthday and I was worried that he wouldn't pick up on pedaling by the time we went to Michigan, but he did SO GOOD!! He was cautious on just about any hill and would get off his bike and walk it down the hill...but I'd rather have cautious than the opposite! Haha!

I loved being walking distance from the beach! And the boys didn't mind the wagon ride!

We only got to swim in Lake Michigan a couple times because the water turned super cold, so we enjoyed it while we could!

I love this sweet family of mine!

And I love this sweet little girl like my own!!! <3

These are the coolest!! And I'd say they enjoyed riding them!


My little model baby! I might be bias! Haha!

Uncles are the best!

He is SO CUTE!!!

Reading about vacation on vacation.

This is one of my favorite pictures! Snacks are life!

We got to celebrate Baby B's birthday while we were there! HAPPY BIRTHDAY sweet girl!!!

I'd say she liked the cake!

They're the cutest!

Big helper!

Trevor and my brother went golfing a couple days so we headed to Dutch Village! The boys had so much fun in the petting zoo, riding these fun cars, on the ferris wheel and the couple rides.

We're do Dutch in our Wooden Shoes. I don't know why anyone would choose to wear these!! They were NOT comfortable! 

Mom, seriously...no more pictures!

I have a picture JUST LIKE THIS from when I was about their age! I've been asking my mom to find it for me! Maybe she'll read this blog and it will remind her to keep looking!! Haha! Thanks mom!

This Alpaca was cracking me up! You can't not laugh when you see those awesome teeth!
The boat might not be anything to write home about, but the boys had so much fun helping dad drive! This was my grandpa's boat when I was a kid, so it's had it's fair share of use! I'm thankful my uncle still brings it every year so we can take a few spins on Lake Macatawa! 

Loving life

Hating life! Haha! 

One afternoon we set up this fun little splash pad and the cousins had some fun! 

Brynlee thought she was being tortured! Haha!

To be fair, the water was FREEZING!

The most handsome men around! 

I love that my boys had so much fun playing with my cousins kiddos...I have no idea what that makes them in relation to each other but they had a blast. Are they 2nd cousins??

We came home with a pound of sand after this one spent 30 minutes rolling in it!

Uncle Nephew bonding time!

The sunsets are the BEST in Michigan! 

This is the day we went to Lake Michigan and the water was FREEZING! I was bound and determined to have a fun beach day and play in the water and when my feet touched the water it was PAINFUL! HA! Needless to say, we did NOT get in! But we had some fun in the sand!

Little man was a GRUMP all morning! I have never actually seen him in such a bad mood! He actually fell asleep on his trike you saw earlier when we were walking to lunch. Thankfully my sister-in-law noticed he was falling asleep and caught him before he fell off the trike! Haha! So, he got a little siesta before lunch that day!

We rarely get a good family photo and I'd say this one is a WIN!

Yep, I'm obsessed with this cutie!!

This was our last beach day so we were soaking it all up!

And this picture will forever make me laugh!

Every night a different family is in charge of dinner. My family just orders pizza on their night to make it easier! For anyone who knows my family, this will not come as a surprise to you! Haha! But, we did change it up for dessert this year and we had everyone make s'mores!

Some fun at Captain Sundae's

We loved our house this year! It had more bedrooms than we knew what to do with, but it was perfect for the babies and it had amazing outdoor space to hang out in the perfect weather! 

I have many favorite memories from this vacation, but I think what I loved the most was getting to introduce and experience Michigan with my kiddos! I got to do all of these things when I was a kid, so it's fun getting to experience all of that again through my kids' eyes! I'm so thankful we have this trip to look forward to every year and I LOVED getting to see my sweet little niece!