Sunday, September 28, 2014

Live for the Weekends

I love everything about the weekends!! Occasionally we get to sleep in, we get to see family and friends, we get to spend time together, the list goes on and on...
This past weekend was fun filled with events! Friday night Trevor and I had a date night just the two of us! Those don't happen very often, so I was super excited!! We went to Cheesecake Factory and rented a redbox. 

The next morning was an early one. We signed up to run the Race for the Cure 5k awhile back and Saturday was the day! The race started at 7:30, so we got downtown about 7:15. 

Our shirts were ones that our friend Morghan and her family made in honor of her mom that battled breast cancer and recently passed away. It is heartbreaking the number of families that are affected by breast cancer. Running this 5k is so inspiring because many survivors come out and run and so many people show their support. One of the best parts to me is as you are running, getting to read everyone's shirts and who they are running for. 
We didn't stick around to see our exact times, but I'm pretty sure I was about the same as last year and Trevor made it under 30 minutes!!

After the race we went to breakfast at BBD and then went home and took a long nap! 

That night we had bought tickets for McNellies Harvest Beer Fest! We went last year and had a great time catching up with friends, so we wanted to go again this year. 

After, we ate dinner at Albert G's BBQ and then danced a bit at Legends before making our way home. 

Today, Winnie and I have a date on the couch!! ;) Then lifechurch this evening! If you haven't made it to a service yet, you have 3 more opportunities!! 1:00, 5:00, and 6:30! #struggles


I am just having a great time with the new title as cheer coach. All of the girls are great to work with and although it requires quite a bit of time, I'm having fun with it. 

We've had lots of practices and one home game and one away game. 
Here is a picture of them after their first game.

This past week was BA's homecoming, so we all got crafty and decorated posters and things for our float...

Everything really came together and the girls had a great time in the parade!!

It had definitely been awhile since I had been in a parade!! 
Thankfully, BA won their homecoming game against Yukon! Go Tigers!!

11/3: adding on to this post!
Football season has ended and now onto basketball season! Here is a picture of them at the last football game! We wore pink bows all of October for Breast Cancer Awareness month!

Sunday, September 14, 2014


Stillwater two weekends in a row!! Just a little heaven on earth!! 
I was excited for this game day, more so than last week, because kickoff wasn't until 6! Thank heavens for a day to sleep in!! 
Trevor and Andrew headed to Stillwater at about 5am to do a little dove hunting before a day of tailgating. A friend of mine posted this picture on Facebook and it is so funny how true it is!! 
The night before, the boys had attended Whiskey Well Saturday morning, I'm sure, was an early one! But this photo still applies! Trevor will hit snooze 7 times before getting up for work, but it goes off once (at 4am) for hunting and he is up and at 'em!! Speaking of Whiskey Well...the boys made the BOK Facebook page!! 

Needless to say, Katie and I did not go to Stillwater at 5am. We met the boys in Stillwater at about 12:30 and got our tailgate set up! This week we had BBQ chicken, queso, jalapeƱo poppers, assortment of deliciousness!! It was just an awesome day getting to hang out with friends and an even better day to be a Cowboy!!

I'd say these people/dogs are truly dedicated fans!!
If we ever do this to Winston and Whiskey, please, someone, stop us! Or plan an intervention for us! This is just too much!


Sunday, September 7, 2014


Trevor and I bought season tickets this year to OSU football right next to our friends, Andrew and Katie! I really haven't been to a home game since college, Trevor has been a couple times since then, but needless to say, we were excited to tailgate and see all of our friends! We wanted to stake our claim early on a good tailgating spot, so we left Tulsa around 8:00am so we could get to Stillwater bright and early! I was really looking forward to sleeping in on Saturday since it had been a long week, but I guess I can always sleep later! (If you know me, you know I LOVE my sleep!!)
It was a little chilly when we got to Stillwater and it was really rainy, so we decided to go and buy some new OSU gear that would be a little warmer for the day. It rained most of the time we were tailgating, thank goodness for our 3 huge tents, but it cleared off just in time for the game. We went into the game for the first half and then we saw so many friends that we hadn't seen in awhile, we tailgated and talked the whole second half. It was great being back in Stilly! I definitely miss college some days!

 We have some great seats!

 Here comes Bullet!

I have been battling a sinus infection all week, so I was definitely feeling under the weather most of the time we were there, but that didn't stop us from having a great time! I am so excited we have season tickets this year and get to do this 5 more times!!!


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Happy Birthday Whiskey

Last Thursday was Whiskey's 2nd birthday! We didn't get a chance to celebrate on his birthday, so we did it today when we got home from our trip. 
I didn't go all out like I did last year, but our pups love vanilla custard, so I had to get him some of that!! 
We had his friends (our neighbors pups) over to celebrate as well!

Whiskey seriously is the sweetest dog!! We were so blessed with such an amazing dog, from his skills when he is hunting with Trevor, to being able to leave him inside all day and trust he won't mess anything up, he is just the best!! Here are some of my fav photos of him...


Monday, September 1, 2014


Labor Day weekend was definitely a success!! We got to spend our time with friends on a houseboat on the lake. It doesn't get much better than that!! PS- there is no need to explain the title or the first just had to be there. 

There was a group of 10 of us (5 couples): me and Trevor, our neighbors Randy and Cassie, our other neighbors Jason and Morghan, our friends from college Andrew and Katie, and their friends Brett and Cana. We went to Lake Ouachita in Arkansas. We have done this trip before with a different group of friends, however, the last time we came it was freezing outside...the weather was much better this go around. We drove down on Friday afternoon and we were on the water by Friday evening. Trevor wanted to be the head chef again, so we went grocery shopping and made the meal menu: breakfast burritos in the mornings and hamburgers and BBQ chicken for dinners. The last night we did a fish fry with okra and corn dodgers (thanks Randy and Cassie). All of the girls made their specialty dishes which included a LOT of yummy dips! We all ate our way through some cream cheese! Seriously though, these ladies can cook!   We ate like kings and queens!
We spent a lot of the time in the water just floating around, we got in the hot tub on the top deck a few times, we played some Catch Phrase and Battle of the Sexes, we spent a little time cooking and lot of time eating and just had a great relaxing getaway!! Here are some pictures of our amazing weekend!! 

Saturday was OSU's season kick-off and we definitely didn't forget our orange!! The houseboat has a TV on it, so we made sure to be docked and ready for the game by 7! Pistols Firing!!!

Group Selfie!!!

Prior to leaving on the trip we had discussed all doing a fantasy football league. So, on Sunday evening we decided to do a live draft! 
Probably the best way to do a draft- on a posterboard on the lake!! 

This is definitely not my thing, so I was thankful for Trevor helping me out (making all of my picks!

The sunset was beautiful every single night!!!

Such an fun weekend with the best company!! We seriously have the most amazing friends!! Thank you to everyone for making it such an enjoyable and laughter filled trip!
But now I'm definitely looking forward to sleeping in my own bed, celebrating Whiskey's birthday and snuggling up with Winston!!